75 Soft - Medium - Hard: What is the difference?

Published on 9 July 2023 at 15:42


The 75-Day Challenge is a self-improvement program designed to instill discipline, develop healthy habits, and promote personal growth over a period of 75 days. While specific variations of the challenge may exist, the core concept typically involves committing to a set of daily activities and behaviors that contribute to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These activities often include regular exercise, adherence to a specific diet or nutrition plan, reading or learning, practicing gratitude or mindfulness, and avoiding certain negative habits.

The challenge aims to create a transformative experience, pushing participants outside their comfort zones, building resilience, and fostering a sense of accomplishment. By completing the 75-Day Challenge, individuals often report increased self-discipline, improved health and fitness, enhanced mental clarity, and a greater overall sense of personal achievement. It is important to note that the specific guidelines and requirements of the challenge can vary depending on the source or individual preferences.

75 Soft Challenge


  • Focuses on gradually building healthier habits
  • Allows flexibility and occasional indulgences
  • Suitable for beginners or those who prefer a less restrictive approach


  1. Maintain a nutritious diet (60/80%) and limit alcohol consumption to social occasions.
  2. Engage in a 45-minute daily training session, indoors or outdoors. There are no rest days, but one day per week should be dedicated to active recovery.
  3. Ensure a daily water intake of 1,5 liters.
  4. Read a minimum of 10 pages from any book each day.
  5. Monitor and track progress through videos or photos once a week 

75 Medium Challenge


  • Incorporates moderate discipline and consistency
  • Stricter guidelines and fewer allowances for deviations
  • Suitable for individuals with some experience in fitness and wellness

1. Healthy food choices 90% of the time. No alcohol consumption 

2. Engage in a 45-minute daily training session, indoors or outdoors

3. Daily water intake of 1/2 gallon (equivalent to +- 2 liters) 

4. Read a minimum of 10 pages from a non fiction book each day.

5. Monitor and track progress daily through videos or photos.

75 Hard Challenge 


  • Create strict discipline and unwavering commitment
  • Designed for individuals seeking a rigorous and challenging experience
  • Zero tolerance for indulgences or deviations from the program


  1. Choose a specific diet and strictly adhere to it, without allowing cheat meals or consuming alcohol.
  2. Ensure a daily water intake of one gallon (equivalent to 3,8 liters).
  3. Engage in two 45-minute workouts every day, with one of them taking place outdoors.
  4. Allocate time to read 10 pages of any non-fictional book on a daily basis.
  5. Capture a daily progress photo to track and document your journey.

General Overview 

Soft Challenge Medium Challenge Hard Challenge
Duration 75 days 75 days 75 days
Focus Building healthier habits Discipline and consistency Strict discipline
Diet Restrictions Gradual improvements Fewer allowances No allowances
Cheat Meals Occasional indulgences Limited indulgences No indulgences
Exercise Intensity Customizable (1x45 & active restday) Moderate intensity (1x45 min) Intense and rigorous (2x 45 minutes)
Reading 10 pages per day 10 pages per day (non fiction) 10 pages per day (non fiction)
Hydratation 1,5L water (alcohol on social occasions) 2L water (social drinking) 3,8L water (no alcohol)
Progress Tracking Regular check-ins Daily check-ins Daily check-ins
Support and Accountability Flexible Moderate Strict (fail = restart)
Recommended Experience Beginners Intermediate Advance

Keep track with a 75 - Day  Challenge Template

At EvolvingYOU, we have crafted a special 75-day Challenge that falls between the Soft and Medium Challenge levels. This unique challenge is perfect for beginners, designed not only to be completed but also to transform your lifestyle in a positive way.In addition to the general rules, we have included two extra rules to enhance your experience.

The first rule is fully customizable, allowing you to choose a healthy habit to incorporate into your daily routine. This empowers you to replace unhealthy habits with positive ones, tailored to your preferences.

The second rule focuses on mindfulness, dedicating just 5 minutes each day to meditation and relaxation. This simple practice can bring peace and calmness into your life.

To make it even more convenient, we have created a handy and beautiful template available for purchase on Etsy.

Join us on this empowering journey and unlock a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle with the EvolvingYOU 75-day Challenge.

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